In May 2023, 54% voted AGAINST a $44.5 million bond. Less than 16 months later the Anderson-Shiro CISD School Board has approved another bond to be brought to voters in the November 5th election.

The current bond proposal of $60 million not only includes LESS improvements than the previous bond but with an increased $15 million price tag. Grimes County residents continue to be burdened by the over-taxation in America in a less than desirable economy.

Many of our residents have expressed frustration with the never-ending bond cycles and the increasing tax burdens that come with them.

We support AFFORDABLE solutions for our community, students and teachers and agree with a growing population where improvements are needed BUT....

....️it doesn't justify spending $60,000,000 with the highest inflation rates we've seen in decades with a fragile economy.

We need to send a clear message that the Anderson-Shiro CISD School Board did not hear in the previous election that we need to develop a more fiscally and financially responsible plan for our community. Vote AGAINST this overspending plan and increased tax burden November 5th.

  • Total cost of this bond proposal with principal + interest is $107 million

  • The district is proposing a $60 million bond for the construction of a new 86,000 sq. ft. elementary school, remodel of the current elementary school into a junior high campus and construction of a new driveway.

    They have allocated $55 million for a new elementary which equals out to $639/sq. ft. The national average is $200-$300/sq. ft. This is an extravagant build for a 3A rural school district.

  • Yes absolutely but we need to accomplish those goals in a fiscal and financially responsible way. The current proposal is extravagant. We can plan for growth without placing a hardship on our community and hard working families.

  • Yes, Anderson-Shiro CISD currently owes $22 million in outstanding bond debt which will bring the total bond debt owed if Prop A passes to $133,000,000 (principal + interest)

    1. Help us spread the word. Share this website and our Facebook page with your family, friends and neighbors so they can be educated about this bond proposal

    2. Donate. We are working to spread the word with mailers and signs. We would greatly appreciate your support.



• It will almost DOUBLE the I&S tax rate imposed as property taxes

• Will authorize the board of trustees to levy taxes WITHOUT LIMIT as to rate or amount

Vote AGAINST Prop A on November 5, 2024

Full Copy Of The Notice Of Bond Election

Vote AGAINST Prop A November 5th

Vote AGAINST Prop A November 5th