Disputing Misinformation About Letters Sent To Anderson-Shiro CISD Taxpayers

Yes, our committee mailed letters to over 250 ASCISD taxpayers who will face the biggest financial impact of this bond proposal. The calculations clearly show what their individual total tax burden will be over the life of the bond.

There is no scam or misinformation just FACTS.

The I&S tax increase under this bond will go from $0.1763 to $0.4138 and impacts EVERY taxpayer in ASCISD. This does not factor in the district’s projected increases of your assessed property valuations, which will still increase taxes on those over 65 years with frozen taxes. ASCISD will have the HIGHEST property taxes in Grimes County surpassing Madisonville ISD and Navasota ISD.

Our committee is made up of people who have worked at the school, have lived in the district for years, have kids who go to the school, and understand what the needs are. We aren't against improvements or progress. We are against a lack of transparency to provide basic details about this $60 million bond such as budget details and how this bond will be spent, information still not being released after a month of the district delaying.

We continue to fight for transparency and ASCISD continues to push back against providing it. We continue to fight to provide taxpayers of ASCISD with ALL the information while ASCISD continues to delay it. Why are you, a taxpayer, not allowed to receive information requested for a bond you are expected to pay for?

Bottom line: if ASCISD wants $60 million on the backs of taxpayers they need to be fully transparent. We won't support giving ASCISD a blank check.

Any questions feel free to reach out and a committee member will be happy to discuss it further with you. If you would like to help us defeat this bond and send a message to ASCISD that you want a more affordable and financially responsible options you can donate here to help us fund signs, mailers and other marketing efforts. Thank you for your support!



Anderson-Shiro CISD Fighting Transparency In School Bond Election


The Facts About Anderson-Shiro CISD Growth Rate