The Facts About Anderson-Shiro CISD Growth Rate

ASCISD is asking taxpayers to approve a $60 million bond, $55 million to build an 86K sq. ft. elementary school at a price of $639/sq. ft. which is double the national average. They say this is needed to meet a 5% growth BUT the data doesn't support it.

The US Census shows an average yearly growth of 1.2% for Grimes County.

So is ASCISD confused or being misleading on projected growth?

In their bond proposal material previously released, the district stated the enrollment growth rate was 5% in one year. Yet, the PASA report released by the district notes enrollment growth rate at 9.9% OVER 5 YEARS. This hardly equates to a 5% per year growth rate.

In fact, the information we previously released shows the district noting a DROP in their enrollment for PK - 5.

Additionally, research indicates that the county on the whole is growing by 1.2% -3.75%. This also doesn't equate to the district's claim of growth in a subsection of the county in which a subsection of the population is eligible to attend and completes enrollment in the district.

So why is ASCISD doubling down with trying to confuse taxpayers? do they think the majority won't take the time to calculate the information?

On their bond website they clearly claim the district is steadily growing at 5% each year yet their latest Facebook post shows a growth of 294 students over the last 14 years. The math shows a growth rate of 2.17% per year.

It's disappointing that we are having to fact check information just to ensure YOU, the taxpayer, has the CORRECT information in order to make a fully educated decision about this upcoming bond proposal.

The fact is Anderson-Shiro is NOT growing at the rate the district wants you to believe. Yes we need to plan for growth but not to tune of $60 million dollars ($107 million total bond cost including interest). We are not a 5A school district, we are a 3A rural district that needs more realistic and financially responsible solutions for growth.

Is there growth, yes. But don't be misled or confused by the rates the district is suggesting. We have time to find a financially responsible solution and do not need to rush into a large $60 million bond that will come with a 21% property tax rate INCREASE.

The President of the School Board has stated in a personal Facebook post "... The bond package does not have to be sold at 60M all at once. It can and more than likely will be sold in series' based upon the scope of the project at the time... Numbers being thrown around are for the max dollar amount of 60M and the max tax increase..." Doesn't this bond proposal include a project scope to build a new 86,000 sq. ft elementary school that alone comes with a $55 million price tag?!

If there is information to be shared with taxpayers to put validity to these kinds of claims that the max bond amount won't be used and max tax increase won't be a burden to our community, we look forward to seeing it. Otherwise we stand firm in our position not to support giving ASCISD a blank check.

Do we need to plan for future growth, yes BUT this bond proposal is EXCESSIVE for a rural 3A school district. The $107 million tax burden it will put on families in our community is EXCESSIVE (41% of ASCISD families are on a free or reduced meal plan.)

Vote AGAINST Prop A November 5th and make YOUR voice heard to ASCISD to go back to the drawing board and put together a more affordable and financially responsible plan that makes sense for OUR community.


Disputing Misinformation About Letters Sent To Anderson-Shiro CISD Taxpayers